Did Moshe Need Yitro's Advice? – Forum

Note: The contents of the Did Moshe Need Yitro's Advice pages have been modified to reflect the helpful input from this Forum.

Comment by Leonard Matanky, 15 Shevat, 5772, 6:07 PM (JST):

I have been reviewing the site over the past few days, and am impressed. One thing – I don’t see Rav Hirsch represented, did I just miss him? His comments on the issue of did Moshe “need” to listen to Yitro would have been good.

Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D.

Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy

Comment by Hillel Novetsky, 15 Shevat, 5772, 6:34 PM (JST):

That is very helpful. We missed that Rav Hirsch (I assume you're referring to his comments on 18:24). His words are extremely close to Ralbag's position, and we'll add him. Thank you.


